Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Commentary on Class for 2/08/2011

Hello everybody who follows this blog sorry its been awhile since my last post but i've been pretty busy. For any of you who read my blog on a regular basis this one will seem a little weird since i don't normally post notes or talk about them. I thought Professor Sexson's comments on our peer blogs were really enlightening for me personally.

Further Notes on a MSND

Sammy and Group #1 Discordance

We as readers like the resolution we got in Act V of a MSND because it is preceded by so much dissonance/discord. Ex. (Pg. 277 Lines 111-117)

Group #2 A Play Within A Play

Some good examples in other works of Shakespeare include Hamlet, The Tempest, The Taming of the Shrew. Also read Jenny's blog since she goes into further detail about this.

Group #4 The Walls

This was the group i was a part of and we focused on the walls. The walls seemed to represent the leaking of one level into another. The language, mythology, and breaching of the fourth wall to interact with the audience.

Comedies Usually End in One of Three Ways

A Dance
A Wedding
A Feast
Sometimes a combination of the previous three

Well i think that ends my summary/commentary on today's lecture. Stay alert for my next post which will focus on my secondary work which i have selected. Also i did google Lord of Misrule and you will find some interesting things just like Professor Sexson said i just don't want to ruin it for you.

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