Monday, February 21, 2011

Comedy Huh?

Like most of this class i probably find things, situations, and ideas funny that i shouldn't even though i know better. This is the mindset I'm walking into Frye's Argument of Comedy with. If this is incorrect well sorry, i guess? Anyway here we go with another random segment of random dialogue about something remotely class related.

I like the idea of the "Menandrine Tradition" even if i don't completely understand it. Maybe this is Adam Sandler's all consuming myth? Still not completely comfortable with "incest" and any sort of justification for it, scholarly or not!!! Also to remake a point i've talked about in earlier posts. I continue to feel ignorant for condeming Frye inspired/written without actually trying to understand him! My respect for him grows with every written word of his i read. The relevance of Frye's ideas and the tie in to today's writers on page 94 is a great questioning of purpose slash intent answer!!!Wow, maybe i should start reading Frye instead of watching any movies that come out since he's pretty much laid out the plots, characters and settings for me? Yikes "Sexual Communism" not even going to try and touch that one. "What tragedy gains in morality it loses in cathartic power" I like this especially since it really fits with most damned if you do damned if you don't attitudes. Definitely just "Amazoned' this book since i didn't get to finish what i was reading lol, wait just figured out it is in Frye's Anatomy of criticism. Thank you Professor Sexson for prescribing this book and myself for not throwing it away when i didn't understand it.

Well i think its about time to rap up this rant. Here's a video of what i was listening to as i did this blog

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