Thursday, January 20, 2011

When Dr. Sexson asked us to think of texts that are sacred to us "Scar Tissue" Anthony Kiedis's biography popped into my head. I wish i knew how to put video on this thing but i haven't quite figured that one out yet... and as i sat here typing that what would you know i figured it out. First off watch this video its amazing

I've pretty much been obsessed with these guys since i can remember. Something about their musical style just presses my buttons. So one day i was walking through Barnes and Noble not even looking for this book and as i glanced to my left there it was. Without out even thinking i grabbed it knowing i was going to buy it. I just about had to stop myself from running out the door to go read it. Anytime someone has a love for or obsesses about something like i do about these guys they look for any little thing can about them. The book follows Kiedis early life as well as the beginnings of the band and the major events that take place. Kiedis is very much a poet in his own way. I look at many of their songs as poetry set to a beat. Any way enough of my obsessive rantings. Have a great day everybody!!!

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