Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Turner's School of Night

I realize i probably should have read this at the beginning of the semester but as always i got behind and have finally caught up. All i have to say about this is wow. I realize why someone people came to so many different conclusions about this piece. One minute you think you have a grasp on this and the next it turns you on your head.

Here i begin my best effort at a scholarly or "Intelligent" reading and interpretation of Turner's School of Night. There is a lot of discussion on the subject of nothing and its significance. For some reason as i read this i was immediately reminded of the quote by Nietzche, "Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." What i'm trying to get at with this train of thought is that by pondering and considering nothing we become nothing. If i recall Professor Sexson's words correctly, which i might not or i remember them incorrectly, when we were discussing Borges "Shakespeare is everything and he is nothing." This seems to be where the power of creation lay because Turner quotes Hariot saying, "Out of nothing everything is made." I realize that i'm probably poaching a lot of what Turner, Professor Sexon and other people have said or alluded to on their blogs but it makes more sense now that i've read Turner for myself. So i'll give credit where credit is due and thank everyone for all their insights so far this semester.

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