For those who like hearing the plays they read i found this link to a free site where you can listen to A Midsummer Night's Dream. It helped me a lot because the different voices helped keep the characters straight. http://www.learnoutloud.com/podcaststream/listen.php?url=http://librivox.org/bookfeeds/a-midsummer-nights-dream-by-william-shakespeare.xml&all=1&title=34592. This is one resource that i enjoy using when i can. It breaks up the monotony of only hearing the characters in my own voice in my head. Finally we get to the heart of my post after all this random babble and rambling.
So far this semester Professor Sexson has tried to hammer home the point that Shakespeare is myth and myth is Shakespeare. Until today i personally hadn't completely bought into this theory. As i was reading the first act of A Midsummer Night's Dream and came across lines 175-176. "By all the vows that ever men have broke(in number more than ever women spoke)". As soon as i heard this i couldn't help but think of Original Sin and how Shakespeare was toying with it in this play. I'm not sure i'm correct in assuming this but it almost seems like he is poking fun at Original sing by creating a reverse Original Sin in these lines. What better way to call attention to your work than by invoking one of the greatest myths/truths depending on who you talk to. The bible is a cornerstone of western literary cannon and i think Shakespeare knows exactly what he's doing when he draws parallels to it in his work.
Whether or not my opinions are correct or not remains to be seen. If this elevates the level of my blogging awesome, if not i'm sure i'll be hearing about it whether or not i want to.