Thursday, March 3, 2011


Growing up in a family of nine there is no end to the amount of "flyting" that went on. It didn't even matter if it was over something that mattered. It could have been something as petty as what to watch on tv or who got the last banana. Once the dispute was one the insults flew. Eventually when we ran out of good things to say we would find dictionaries and start looking up words in the dictionary because there were lots of great words we could abuse. Some of the best included

Narcissistic, nosy parker, fatty, fag etc. It was especially funny whenever the other sibling thought you said something bad because you chose a word that had multiple meanings and when they told on you all you had to say was thats not what i meant their making it up. Anyway this was just a quick post in response to Professor Sexson's blog assignment for this week. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday and seeing Professor Minton.

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